About Katie
Katie has been a proud and active Democrat since college, helping candidates across the state win their races and represent their communities at the Capitol. She and her husband Matt enjoy traveling, whitewater rafting, gardening, and frequenting the numerous incredible restaurants in Denver. She hopes to earn the trust of House District 6 as someone who can get things done from her first day as your Representative.
Katie was born in Fort Collins as a 5th generation Coloradan. After graduating from Fort Collins High School, she majored in history at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley and earned a Master’s degree in History from Colorado State University. She worked as an educator in museums and classrooms at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, History Colorado and finally back home at the Golden History Museum. Her focus on Civil Rights history helped her design the award-winning program “Join the Student Sit-Ins” about the Greensboro lunch counter sit-ins. In Golden, she pioneered the “Building Colorado” and “Hands-on History” programs that taught thousands of Colorado kids about their state in fun and innovative ways.
In 2016, Katie wanted an opportunity to help enact some of the policies that she felt were needed in Colorado. She joined then-Speaker of the House Crisanta Duran as an Advisor in her office. She has since worked for current Speaker of the House Alec Garnett in a number of roles. Katie was instrumental in passing numerous bills centered around gun-violence prevention, including the groundbreaking Extreme Risk Protection Order bill that allows law enforcement and close family members to remove firearms from individuals experiencing a mental-health break. When Covid-19 threatened our entire economic and healthcare system, Katie worked on a bill that guaranteed protections for workers across the state, all while helping constituents who were being denied unemployment benefits and assistance through no fault of their own.
Speaker of the House Alec Garnett
“I've known Katie since she volunteered to knock on doors for my very first race for the Legislature. Since then she's always been there for me and for our team. Katie works every day at the Capitol with a passion for helping others, and I couldn't have passed some of the landmark legislation of the past 3 years without her help.
The new district lines have placed 14,000 of my constituents in the seat Katie is running for and there is no one I trust more to represent them than her. It was an honor to officiate her wedding, her friendship has been invaluable to me over the past decade, and I know she will be an amazing State Representative for you.”
State Sen. Janet Buckner
“I have enjoyed every moment working with Katie at the Legislature. I’ve always known that she would be amazing at the job because she has always been incredibly knowledgable about issues and brings a genuine kindness to a workplace that needs more of it.
I’m excited to work on bills with Katie. I’m excited to have her on my team so we can fight for the things we both believe in so strongly. I know that she will work hard to help the wonderful people of Colorado.”
State Sen. Chris Hansen
“I’m proud to endorse Katie March for State Representative. As the former HD6 Representative, I know she will do a great job for this district. She’s worked with me at the Capitol on climate change and making our streets safer through gun-safety legislation. She can deliver for this district and I hope you’ll join me in voting for Katie.”
Former State Sen. and Rep. for House District 6 Lois Court
“I am proud to endorse Katie to be the next Representative of House District 6. Katie has a passionate belief in representative government and understands the issues that this district cares about, first and foremost being gun violence prevention. In the Capitol, she worked hand in glove with us, as Speaker Garnet’s senior advisor, on the Extreme Risk Protection Order bill and made a huge difference in helping it pass. I am very confident in her ability and have great faith that she will represent me and my former constituents at the Capitol with passion, intelligence, and integrity.”
State Rep. David Ortiz
“As a former combat aviator, I know the difference the right team can make under pressure. Katie has not only been an amazing team member in getting amazing work done for Democrats in the State House, but she’s the type of leader and team member that ALL Coloradans want working for them. She’s dedicated. She’s passionate. But most of all she does whatever it takes to get results. I know she will put her constituents first, won’t play political games, and will continue her great work as your State Representative.”
City Councilman Obi Ezeadi
“I’m supporting Katie because she is a problem-solver with deeply progressive values and lived personal experiences that can add tremendous value to the Capitol. The time is now to elect leaders that will fight for our working families.”
State Rep. Tom Sullivan
State Rep. Alex Valdez
“As someone who grew up in metro Denver, started a small business here, and is now lucky enough to represent my home city in the State House, I know Katie has what it takes to help keep what makes Denver amazing and fix our issues. I love working with Katie and seeing her fight hard for what she believes in. There is no one I trust more to be inclusive, fair, and effective as your State Representative.”
State Rep. Monica Duran
“I’ll always be grateful to Katie for her work on gun-violence prevention, especially when she helped me pass my bills on Domestic Violence Restraining Orders and Safe Storage of Firearms. Katie knew how to bring people together to pass policy. She also knew that this issue is deeply personal and can tear lives apart. The time she took to talk with and empathize with the families of the victims of gun-violence showed her character. I know how deeply she cares about preventing any other Colorado family from experiencing these tragedies. That drive and compassion is all I need to know for me to give her my full endorsement.”
Former Speaker Crisanta Duran
“Katie is the kind of smart, hard-working Representative that Colorado needs. She was invaluable in my office when I was Speaker of the House, helping us address harassment in the Capitol and create a safe working environment for everyone. She’s always been a leader and inspiration to those around her and she will do everything she can to earn your vote.”
Sean Camacho
“I am proud to support Katie as the next Representative for House District 6. She takes her role as our voice seriously and she will prioritize work on issues that our community cares about. She is a proven and passionate advocate with the skills to be a leader at the Capitol on Day 1. HD 6 has always had strong and effective leaders at the Capitol and Katie is the right candidate to carry on that legacy.”
Richard Lewis
“I know Katie will do wonderful work to support our communities. As a small business owner, I deeply appreciate the work that Katie has done to support small businesses during COVID. We need legislators that can get things done.”
Ana Thallas
“In 2021, Katie helped to pass the “Isabella Joy Thallas Act,” named after my resilient, forgiving, humble, and kind daughter Bella who was murdered on June 10, 2020. She was shot with a weapon that was stolen and unreported. Bella’s bill, Senate Bill 21-078, is a commonsense measure that requires an individual who owns a firearm and has reasonable cause to believe that the firearm has been lost or stolen to report that firearm to law enforcement.
Katie worked tirelessly to pass Bella’s bill, in honor of my daughter. I wish that every mother who had to endure the pain and trauma of losing a child had an advocate like Katie in the Legislature.”
Unions and Labor support
Colorado Professional Fire Fighters
“Katie March has been a champion for firefighters while working in the Legislature. She fought with us to shore up our underfunded pension system and protect our death and disability benefits. When Covid hit front-line workers hard, she helped organize PPE drives to make sure first-responders like us had protection. We're proud to stand with her and know she will always have our backs at the State House.”
Pipefitters Local 208
“Denver Pipefitters Local #208 is excited and proud to endorse Katie March for House District 6. Katie epitomizes what it means to be a hard working Coloradan! She has worked hard her whole life and got her start in politics by working from the ground up. Her experience starting as an aide then earning her way to outreach director for the Colorado House Democrats shows not only her work ethic but also the valuable experience she’s gained learning how to most effectively engage at the Capitol.
Katie understands the importance of the stakeholder process and the need for Working Coloradans to have meaningful participation in the creation of our state policies. We are ecstatic to stand next to a true champion for working families! Katie is the right choice for the people of Colorado!”
Gary Arnold – Business Manager, Denver Pipefitters Local #208
Gun Violence Prevention Groups
Colorado Ceasefire
"Katie has spent her time at the capitol fighting for change in our gun laws. She was instrumental in passing Colorado's Extreme Risk Protection Order law, which has been used as a model around the country, as well as six other gun violence prevention bills that we have helped pass in the last three years. She has sat with survivors of gun violence and victims' families and mourned with them over their losses. She has written bills to address the gun violence epidemic in Colorado and we need her at the Capitol to address this life threatening issue."
Mom’s Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate
During my five years at the capitol, I have helped pass seven bills related to gun violence prevention. I care deeply about continuing to address gun violence in the state of Colorado, so I am proud to be a candidate that will always legislate with gun safety in mind.
Abortion Rights Groups
Majority Leader Daneya Esgar
President of the Senate Stephen Fenberg
Sen. Brittany Pettersen
Sen. Jeff Bridges
Sen. Sonya Jaquez Lewis
Rep. Julie McCluskie
Rep. Meg Froelich
Rep. Lisa Cutter
Rep. Kyle Mullica
Rep. Tony Exum
Rep. Kerry Tipper
Rep. Susan Lontine
Rep. Mary Young
Rep. Edie Hooton
Rep. Judy Amabile
Rep. Dafna Michaelson Jenet
Fmr Sen. Joyce Foster
RTD Board Member Paul Rosenthal
Steven and Laura Paletz
Councilwoman Kendra Black
Fmr Sen. Joyce Foster
Fmr. Councilwoman Mary Beth Susman
Rep. Dylan Roberts
Rep. Marc Snyder
Rep. Cathy Kipp
Rep. Karen McCormick
Rep. Andrew Boesenecker
Rep. Shannon Bird
Mayor Jeni Arndt
Adams County Commissioner Steve O'Dorisio
Councilwoman Julie Duran Mullica
Councilwoman Jenny Willford
County Commissioner Tracy Kraft-Tharp
County Commissioner Jody Shadduck-McNally
Rita Lewis, Fmr Commissioner- CO Civil Rights Commission
Fmr Rep. Anne McGihon
Fmr Rep. Joe Miklosi
Fmr Rep. and Fmr Exec. Dir. AFL-CIO Mike Cerbo
Fmr. Denver Council President Albus Brooks
Gil Cisneros, Chairman and CEO Chamber of the Americas
I’ve been a proud and active Democrat since college. I’m so honored to have endorsements from so many amazing leaders in our community. Thank you to everyone who has joined our campaign.
Contribute to Our Success
In order to get our message to as many voters as possible, I’d be honored if you would consider making a donation to our race. Primary races in Denver end up being some of the most expensive in the state, and your donation of $50, $100, $250 or an individual maximum of $400 would be an amazing investment in Colorado’s future.